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Food is used to feed your Population and Units, except Droids, and for building Mining Facilities, Exploration Ships and portals.

Food can be obtained in three ways, the main method is by building Hydroponic Farms (HF for short). These supply you with 100 units of food per tick per farm. The productivity of a HF may also be increased if they have been built on a planet with a food bonus, for example a planet with a 20% food bonus and 10 farms will produce 1200 food units instead of just 1000 food units! However each person in your population will automatically eat 0.1 food per tick. Also all units you own except droids will eat 1 food unit per tick. If you do not have enough food to feed everyone then your income will be cut in half, therefore cash producing players should pay close attention to their food levels.

As with most resources food can be purchased off The Galactic Market, however the price will vary throughout the round and as such it may not always be a profitable way to get food.

Finally food may also be sent in the form of aid by any member of your Family, this is often very useful for cash producing players who mainly rely on this method of getting food.

Note: 0.5% of your food Decays per tick/Turn. This means that if you have 1000 food, after the next tick there will be 995 food left, plus what you produce or lose that tick.